Working with your Ancestors

Working with your Ancestors

As a professional medium, I receive a lot of common questions. Here is one of the most common questions:

Are my family members (ancestors) my spirit guides?

Fuck. Yes. Do not ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

The best way to work with your family members is through ancestor veneration. What is that you may be asking? Ancestor veneration is the practice of honoring, remembering, and connecting with the spirits of our family members who came before us. It's not about ghostly worship—it’s about acknowledging the profound impact our ancestors have on who we are today. And it's not just for the ones we met, the ancestors we never met in life know who we are on the other side.

What can our ancestors do for us?

  • Connection & Legacy: Our ancestors are the original influencers of our lives. By venerating them, we tap into a wellspring of generational wisdom, resilience, and love. They remind us that our story is part of a much larger, beautifully complex tapestry.
  • Guidance & Protection: Think of your ancestors as your cosmic mentors. Through rituals, altars, prayers, or meditations, you invite their energy to offer guidance, support, and protection as you navigate life’s twists and turns
  • Healing & Empowerment: Honoring your lineage isn’t just nostalgic—it’s transformative. It can help mend generational wounds, break harmful patterns, and empower you to forge a path that honors both the past and your vibrant present.

Ancestor veneration is about creating a respectful, loving dialogue with the spirits of your heritage. It’s a powerful way to keep their legacy alive, infuse your practice with ancient energy, and ensure that their wisdom continues to light your path.

Many of us here on earth today are here to clear our Karmic DNA issues. We are here to repair the repeating patterns we see in the generations of our families. By working with your crossed over family members you help them to continue healing on the other side and you release your children, nieces, nephews, siblings and others from having to go through the same shit. The biggest part of this requires the most hated F word...


When we heal and forgive those who hurt us, we release the anger from our family line. When we hold onto anger it becomes a part of our RNA (also known as junk DNA) and if we have children it gets carried on down to them into their RNA through epigentics (the study of how your environment and behaviors can change how your genes work, without changing the DNA sequence)

Is there a repeating pattern in your family which requires forgiveness? Sit and take a look at your family. Is there a pattern? You may not see it at first and you may not even have one. My family has a few of them and I am working my damndest to release us from them. 

Ancestor veneration is a powerhouse practice that fuels our magic with ancient wisdom, fierce protection, and a whole lot of love. Let’s break down why honoring our forebears is one of the most important parts of our spiritual journey.

  1. Roots that run Deep - Our ancestors aren’t just names etched on a family tree or distant memories in dusty photo albums—they’re the very foundation of our being. Every magical incantation you cast, every herb you blend, and every ritual you perform is steeped in the legacy of those who came before you. By venerating our ancestors, we’re not only paying homage to our origins but also tapping into a reservoir of generational power. Think of it as plugging into your original, cosmic Wi-Fi—connecting you to a network of guidance that’s been streaming wisdom for centuries.
  2. The OG's - Imagine having a council of the most sagely, no-nonsense advisors ever assembled—your ancestors are that and more. They’ve seen it all: the triumphs, the mistakes, the magical experiments gone wildly off-script. When you call upon them, you’re inviting a fierce team of spiritual mentors into your practice. They drop truth bombs when you need them most, helping you navigate both the mystical and mundane with an authenticity that’s simply unparalleled. So next time you’re feeling stuck, light a candle, offer a prayer, and let their timeless advice steer you back on course.
  3. Harnessing their Energy - Here’s the tea: ancestral energy is like liquid gold for your magic. Honoring your ancestors isn’t about clinging to the past; it’s about channeling that potent, generational energy to amplify your spells, rituals, and everyday decisions. It’s the secret ingredient in your magical brew—a catalyst that transforms simple intentions into powerful manifestations. Whether you’re brewing a healing elixir or casting a protection spell, knowing that you’re backed by the strength and resilience of your forebears is nothing short of empowering.
  4. Healing the Past—Embracing the Future - Let’s get real for a minute: family histories can be messy. There might be wounds, regrets, or unspoken truths that have haunted your lineage. Venerating your ancestors is a healing act—it’s a way to mend those old scars and break free from cycles that no longer serve you. By acknowledging the full spectrum of your ancestral past, you allow yourself to integrate both the light and the shadow. This healing process not only liberates you from generational baggage but also enriches your magic with a deep, transformative power.

How do I work with my ancestors?

Ready to start honoring your loved ones? First... you need to know that not every ancestors wants to work with you. You must ask their permission first. Never ass-u-me they want to work with you. I have a very, very Christian Granny who wants no part of magic, but her husband however, is all about it. He grew up in Kentucky and was poor so they did what they could with what they had.

  1. Ask Permission - Sit in meditation and ask your loved one if they are willing to work with you in your magickal practice. Don't know how? Set the intention you want to meet a loved one in meditation and listen to this meditation FREE.
  2. Ask for a Sign - When you're in the meditation, assign your ancestor a symbol (feather, bird, color, rainbow, etc) to give you as a sign of confirmation they want to work with you.
  3. Give Thanks - ALWAYS show your appreciation to any ancestor (or guide) who is willing to work with you. How do you do that? Keep on reading...

Here are a few tips to get you started on your journey of ancestor veneration:

  • Create an Altar: Dedicate a space where you can display photos, heirlooms, and objects that remind you of the ancestors you are working with. It doesn’t have to be extravagant—a simple table with a few cherished items will do.
  • Light a Candle: A candle’s flame symbolizes the eternal spark of life. Light one as a sign of gratitude and ask for guidance from your ancestors. Personally, I use white for spirit - purity.
  • Sit and Have a drink with them: Whether through spoken word, journaling, or meditation, share your thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Have a cup of tea or a shot of whiskey to have a discussion with them. Let your ancestors know what’s happening in your life and invite their wisdom into your journey. All of the ancestors I work with loved black coffee so I make them a cup of black coffee to share and leave it out for 48 hours. After that, I pour into my yard as an offering for the earth. (NEVER throw out something you've using an offering to a spirit. It's a slap in their face.)
  • Celebrate Anniversaries: Mark important dates in your family’s history. These moments are perfect for reflection and connection with the energies that continue to influence your path.

Your Spirit Guides and Ancestors cannot help you unless you ask. Put out the request and see how it works for you!

Want to show everyone you work with your ancestors and to FAFO (f*ck around and find out) - Click Here.

May you always have the day you deserve,


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